Število razgovorov: 2
Product Designer
Razgovor s HR službo
Veselilo me je, da je razgovor potekal sproščeno, kljub temu, da smo se srečali preko video klica. Kar me je še posebej veselilo je, da smo se takoj tikali.
Tehnični razgovor
Tudi tu je bilo vzdušje prijetno, delovne naloge se bile izčrpno obrazložene in sem s tem dobila dobro sliko o moji nadaljni karieri.
Junior Frontend Developer
Razgovor s HR službo
The HR interview was enjoyable. In the beginning, I had the opportunity to introduce myself and say what I know about the company. After that, HR presented the company in more detail. It was a classic conversation. There were no trick questions. Towards the end of the conversation with HR, a developer joined and we discussed a previously done test task, and got acquainted with the details of working in the company regarding the technical part. I received feedback from the CEO of the company the same day. The whole process went extremely fast, efficiently and comfortably.
Tehnični razgovor
The technical part consisted of a test task that I had one week to solve. The task was to create a CRUD application based on the given application design and API documentation. Also, the task was to use Docker, test the application and use git. It was not necessary to do everything. Technical knowledge was assessed based on the amount done and the quality of the solution. Afterwards, the HR interview was attended by a developer who explained to me what I did well and what I did badly. Then I had the opportunity to discuss other aspects of working in the company as far as the technical part is concerned.