Število ocen: 4
Project Manager
Veliko dela na mednarodnih projektih. Projektno vodenje je sistematizirano (daily, weekly ipd). Red povečini je.
Dela se z najnovejšimi (web) tehnologijami, od posameznika se odvisno, koliko se angažira. Je pa res, da je odvisno tudi od naročnika - tujina zadnje tehnologije, Slovenija lahko tudi ne tako up-to-date.
Ekipa (strokovno znanje in medčloveški odnosi)
Redni oddelčni meet-i, kjer se prenaša dobra praksa + občasni zunanji gostje.
Osebni razvoj
Spet odvisno od posameznika, na voljo tako budget kot mentorji. Konference po izbiri. Vzpodbuja se raziskovanje.
Možnost dela od doma oz hibridno. Bolj je pomembno, da je delo opravljeno.
Ravnovesje dela in zasebnega življenja
Zelo dobro, ni posebnih pritiskov, razen tipičnih agencijskih (dead line...).
Delovno vzdušje
Mlada, sporoščena ekipa.
OK, ima pa svoje poglede (kot povsod).
Dev Ops Engineer
A very chill and nice place to work with average pay for our country.
You won't be working with the best and latest technologies or on interesting projects There will be a lot of confusion because of leadership commands. You won't improve that much as a software engineer and there is nowhere to advance to.
There are many rotating projects that are interesting, but there can be a period where nothing is beeing worked on.
The tehnologies that are in use are not new and are quite old.
Ekipa (strokovno znanje in medčloveški odnosi)
People are very friendly and welcoming. Their technical knowledge however is nothing special.
Osebni razvoj
The company offers some classes and educational courses but nothing special.
They are very flexible with pay and working from home.
Ravnovesje dela in zasebnega življenja
The work life balance is very good, I have never been stressed or had to work overtime during weekends or weekdays. I have heard that some people had to work during the weekind a couple of times, but that was before I came to the company so idk what happened there.
Delovno vzdušje
People are generaly very happy and welcoming, they are also not under a lot of pressure so the working environment is very nice.
The leadership is very friendly and flexible, but they are very unorganized. On multiple occasions I had to talk to multiple people multiple times about the same topic. They also can't plan ahead so they mark every as critical.