Ixtlan Team
Število razgovorov: 3
Software Engineer
Razgovor s HR službo
Upon my arrival at their office in Ljubljana, both the CEO and a technical team member extensively questioned me about my past school grades, delving into unnecessary detail and peppering the conversation with insulting remarks. What's ironic is that the CEO, who posed these inane queries, holds only a high school diploma. They spoke to me as if I were their subordinate and conveyed a sense of wasting their time. It was an appalling experience; despite attending numerous interviews, I had never encountered such treatment.
Tehnični razgovor
Initially, you receive a home assignment, which, if deemed satisfactory, leads to a technical interview. However, the provided instructions are unclear, seemingly designed to prompt unnecessary inquiries, as if confusing candidates were their sole priority. Subsequently, they assess your work using arbitrary grading criteria. Feedback provided is contradictory, praising elements as good while simultaneously criticizing them as bad. Despite boasting about high-quality code standards, they fail to implement testing procedures, relying solely on manual testing for significant applications. It's a mockery to claim superiority in code quality while neglecting such fundamental practices. Remarkably, they operate within a governmental context, where substantial funds are allocated for subpar code. Despite my extensive experience, they did not extend an offer. Ironically, I am currently employed by a multinational corporation renowned for its adherence to top-tier coding standards.
Razvojni inženir
Razgovor s HR službo
Splošen pogovor, kjer predstavijo podjetje, njihovo delovanje. Predstaviš sebe in svoje izkušnje. Vse skupaj deluje sproščeno in vprašanja so si med seboj zelo različna, od ocen v srednji šoli do hobijev.
Tehnični razgovor
Predstaviš rešitev naloge, na podlagi katere dobiš vprašanja glede implementacije in ti podajo splošno oceno rešitve. Na koncu nekaj splošnih tehničnih vprašanj.