Število ocen: 5
Interesting projects, but quick, reckless decisions, lot of work for projects that eventually fail
Ekipa (strokovno znanje in medčloveški odnosi)
Relationships between coworkers are really bad, even though they look very good on the outside to other people and the public. People are nice to each other to their faces, but they talk bad about each other behind their backs. Even the management board talks bad about each other to their employees (which is really bad), and also about their employees, but they do not give them feedback. There is constant defamation between people, employees are going to management to slander their coworkers all the time, but do not confront them
Osebni razvoj
No time for personal/career development, we have sports, teambuildings, but management does nothing for our wellbeing
1 time or 2 times per week from home
Ravnovesje dela in zasebnega življenja
Noone says you have to work after hours, but they do expect you to..
Delovno vzdušje
There is constant fear and the need to always watch your back - it’s a very toxic environment. People stay mostly because of the salaries, and no one dares to speak up, they’re too scared, but the majority feels it is toxic.
Low appreciation for people, rude attitude toward employees, most people don’t dare to even disagree with them. No feedback, no appreciation for hard work - it is self-evident for them. Only few people in management are competent. People thought it would be better when management changed, but now it feels even worse, because the new management has even less feeling for people - they are just after the money
Software Developer
Ekipa (strokovno znanje in medčloveški odnosi)
Medčloveških odnosov ni, je nekaj razvijalcev, ki imajo veliko znanja
Delovno vzdušje
Vzdušje je iz dneva v dan slabše.
Vodstvo sprejema impulzivne odločitve, ki po navadi niso dobre.