Število ocen: 4
Pushing people back to office.
The company is doing well despite the leadership, not because of it, as the leadership is actually the weakest aspect of the company, right after sales. The main issue is that there are quite a few people in leadership and sales who are here only because of past merits and connections, and now they are just waiting for retirement. X1 - his main and only focus is cycling, while waiting for retirement. He doesn't make decisions and delegates everything to others or waits for things to pass by. Even when he agrees that some actions must be taken, there is nothing done in the end. Mainly to not disrupt status quo. X2 - deals with peripheral matters unrelated to the company itself. She builds her career and promotes herself at the expense of the company. Meanwhile, processes in the company are at a standstill. X3 - comfortably rests on his laurels, where he doesn't have to do anything. He resists all innovations. Only really interested in cycling. X4 - came back just to wait for retirement here. He forwards emails with his mistakes added and that is pretty much all he does. The company overall has a lot of potential, if only the owners would put things in order among the leadership. Above all, they would need people with motivation and long-term goals instead of the current old guard, who are just waiting for retirement.
System Engineer
Zanimivi projekti z zunanjimi strankami
Velika raznolikost tehnologij.
Ekipa (strokovno znanje in medčloveški odnosi)
Odličen team, strokovno znanje prekaša marsikatero podjetje v isti branži
Osebni razvoj
Po želji posameznika so možnosti za razvoj odlične.
Omogočeno je "Work from Home" , je pa ponekod primankljaj kadra zatorej je tudi veliko nadur.
Ravnovesje dela in zasebnega življenja
Kot omenjeno, zaradi primanjkljaja kadra je dosti nadur.
Delovno vzdušje
Odlično druženje , veliko piknikov, teambuildingov itd...
So možnosti za izboljšave.